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(Council President)

"When I reflect on the proposed building project, I repeatedly come back to two words: Accessibility and Opportunity. This project gives us both in abundance. I am very honored  to be a part of the Grace leadership during this time and I am extremely excited about what this project can hold for our future. This project truly does provide us ALL with a 'Grace for Tomorrow.' The possibilities for our congregation and our community are only limited by what we choose to make of them!"




"Not too long ago, as nearly everyone had gathered for a pot luck in the basement social hall, I did a quick look through the sanctuary looking for stragglers. As I entered the sanctuary I noticed an older couple heading out the handicap exit. They wouldn't be joining us because the basement is not easily accessible to them. I look forward to the time when all can enjoy the fellowship that is Grace. The new building project can make that a reality."



​"This project has been a blessing for me as it has helped me to listen closely to the desires and concerns of our members at Grace Lutheran.  Some are excited to move forward, while others have expressed concerns.  My prayer is that we will continue to move forward, prayerfully and patiently, while affirming in love the faith and opinions of each member of our church family at Grace."




Once again the Spirit has called us to examine our ministry to one another and to the community of believers and non-believers. As we look upon a new design for His church and re-focus our efforts to meet the needs of our congregation and community to provide improved accessibility, fellowship and facilities to meet those needs, I am reminded of the scripture that was used for the “Forward in Faith, Growing to Serve” Capital Campaign: "As you come to him, the living Stone- rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:4-5)


We are called to be living stones, with Christ building a spiritual house within us, and each of us joined together to build a spiritual house for His kingdom. Jesus desires His Church to be built on a strong foundation of faith, and the physical church is a vital tool to this mission. Please join us in celebrating the sacrifices of those who have gone before us, and rejoicing in the gifts we give to the Grace For Tomorrow; a place built of living stones!



"I am very honored to be a part of the Building Committee Team of Grace and excited for all members to see what we have been working on.  I feel these changes and additions proposed will benefit our church in more ways than we can imagine.  It will be motivating and inspiring to see "newness" occuring at our church, and it will open the "door" for community activities and an opportunity for more ministry."




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